A logo for interactive library shows with balloons in the background
A man with a red nose wearing a pirate hat
Tharpo has been entertaining all ages in his interactive Library Shows for many years. Since he is one of the few “improv” entertainers in the Dallas- Ft Worth Area, you can be sure that each Library Show is totally unique and special to your Library audience from young to old.

Tharpo has never met a Library he didn’t like and conversely, all Library Shows he has performed have given him “thumbs up” for the entertainment and educational value. (Just check out some of the recommendations he has received.)
The heart of Tharpo’s Library Show is the “Books” he brings…these “Books” are full of different and unique items such as Juggling, Magic, Jokes, Pirate Code, Mime, and Balloons. From these “Books” the audience gets to choose what they would like to “learn” from him in his 45 minute show. And once the “Book” is chosen, the interaction continues with that “Books” subject along with puns, poetry, and laughter. Tharpo has so many “Books” to choose from and is so energetic; he can entertain your audience over and over, because each show is brand new for you.

So if you haven’t taken the time to look over the website of, please don’t wait….Tharpo is ready when you are…..for a fast paced, fact filled, and just general all around FUN.

PS….Tharpo can come dressed in many different costumes for your themed events, too.

Digging Up A Good Book with THARPO
Are you looking for shows with high energy, variety, poetry, jokes, magic, juggling, comedy, balloons, games, face painting, balancing, mime, stilt walking, unicycling or whatever works best for each individual crowd?!?!?!? THEN you might want to consider THARPO who has done thousands of events in the last 25 years. Just think nonstop excitement!

His Library Programs include:
  • Silly Pirate Show
  • Interactive Juggling Show
  • How to become a Clown Show
  • Tharpo’s Original Improv Show
  • Silly Jester Magic Show
  • Just Another Elf Show
These programs are good for audiences ages 3 and older. Versatility is the key to making your program a success. Any of his programs may be adapted to fit your needs – size of crowd, theme, or time.
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